
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snowed In

I very rarely get a snow day.

It doesn't happen in my day job unless the governor declares a state of emergency, which has not happened in the past 5 1/2 years I've worked there.

The library where I work part-time does periodically close for inclement weather, but it hasn't happened on a day I work in the nearly 5 years I've worked there.

Until tonight. I'd be upset if I didn't desperately need the time off to relax, since I could feel that I was on the verge of getting sick. I think the plan for tonight is to make more jewelry while I watch TV while I lounge around on...

My brand new living room furniture!

The pillows that came with the set just happened to match our color scheme of gray and red!

It's definitely a different look than the original set I was looking at, but it's incredibly comfortable, it's the right material, the right color, AND the sofa is actually a sleeper sofa, which was not an option available with the set I was originally looking at. Now I just need to find something to put on that poor, naked wall behind it.

Unfortunately I completely flaked out on doing a "before" picture. We had already dragged the old sofa out to the curb by the time I remembered, so instead my husband took a picture of my lounging on it in front of the house.

My arm's covering the damaged part of the cushion, but trust me, it wasn't pretty. ;-)


  1. The last photo is priceless! It tells the story.

    Ah, I hope you don't get sick, but maybe the weather was a good way to make you stay home to take care of yourself.

  2. Love the new sitting furniture...It looks beautiful, darling and that last photo gave me such a giggle:)

  3. That looks like the perfect couch for napping.


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