Here's some threadleaf coreopsis I got from my mother's garden, it just started to bloom this week:
The rozannes are getting huge!
Hey, remember all those weeks I kept promising gloriosa daisies, and then failed to deliver on that promise? Well they're finally here!!
The clematis are getting out of control. I love it. :-)
I don't think I've shared this next plant yet. I didn't know what it was until I came across some for sale while buying a new fire pit cover at Lowe's yesterday:
(And if you look carefully, you can see a black and white blur that is Elvis, just beyond the salvia.)
The next area I want to tackle is the fire pit. Maybe next week? (The long wait for gloriosa daisies has taught me not to make promises!)
wow your garden is really starting to grow. I wish I had your green thumb