My husband and I took some time to do some work on the outside of the house this weekend. Our back yard is still kind of a mess, since the previous owners HAD a vegetable garden but it was really overgrown, and much bigger than the garden we want to put in. So Glen cleared out that area and scatter some grass seed over it. At some point either this year or next we'll build a small vegetable garden over part of the area.
Also on the agenda: put down a stone path around the side of the house. Elvis runs laps around our house and there's a path that he wore down from around the front of the house around to the pond in the back. We want to put down flagstones along that path, because it will be easier than trying to maintain grass, and hopefully the stone will help to wear Elvis' nails down so we won't have to clip them as often. ;-)
On some jewelry-related notes:
- My next craft show will be on April 9 at Hanover Elementary school, 5:00-8:00pm.
- The gym I go to, Go Figure, is now carrying my jewelry!
- I'm currently running a promotion through Our City Lights - stop by Diana's blog to get a coupon code for my Etsy shop! (And also stop by her amazing Etsy shop!)
Cute dog!