
Monday, July 23, 2012

You Know You've Gone Too Long Without Posting When...

... You check your email and find a note from a concerned reader asking if everything is ok. 

Don't worry, folks, I am alive and well! 

Work has been pretty crazy lately, I've been spending a lot of time outside my office around people I don't know well, or at all.  As an introvert, this has been kind of rough psychologically, since spending time around people, especially those I don't know well, can be draining.  Combine that with a busy concert season, some extra hours at the library, and lots of social stuff going on this summer, and I just haven't been inclined to do anything except zone out in front of the TV when I actually have some free time.

I do have a few amusing photos to share from the past month and a half, though!

In case anyone was wondering what I wake up to most mornings:

Elvis is super excited right now, because earlier this month, we finally had a fence put in!  Now he can run around the entire back yard all he likes, and he has been taking full advantage of the situation.

I've been showing this photo to pretty much everyone.  Even though I look kind of awful in it, Bailey's curiosity with the camera on my phone is just too amusing not to share:

I was trying to get a picture of me with both the degus to send to my husband, at the last possible second Bailey decided to upstage Barnum.  I love that you can see his little orange teeth. :-)

One of my very best friends is getting married this fall, and her bridal shower was in June.  As so often seems to be the case, I was nominated to make the hat.  We were kind of ill-prepared for hat-making, but somehow I managed to attach every last bow and ribbon to a single paper plate without a single piece of tape:

And while we're talking bridal showers, over the weekend I attended a coworker's bridal shower.  It was a gorgeous day, and it was an outdoor shower, basically in the middle of nowhere.  Here's my view of the giant cornfield that was literally right next to where I was sitting:

My blog hasn't been the only victim of my busy schedule.  My poor little jewelry business has fallen by the wayside these past few months as well.  I tend not to do many shows during the summer anyway, but I haven't been able to find a single show I'd have been available for so far this year.  It seems like there is something going on every single weekend!  But now that fall is approaching, I need to get in gear and start scheduling some shows!  Wish me luck. ;-)


  1. Glad to hear you are alive and well. Love the hat, impressive.

  2. I think everyone is in a little summer blogging break. The weather is just too nice not to enjoy. Happy to see you are alive and kicking :)

  3. Glad to see you've been enjoying the summer!! I have been falling into that same introvert trap... It's been busy lately, and I get so overwhelmed with social activities that I slack on a lot of things. Blogging is totally a social activity for me, so I fall behind! I have decided that two social events a week is a good balance for me. :)

  4. I'm glad that you're doing well!

  5. I am so glad that you are back and doing well! Sounds like you have been really busy with lots going on. Elvis is so adorable and Thanks so much for e-mailing me back with the update. I so appreciated it.


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