So hot, in fact, that my normally-hyperactive dog is currently content to sprawl out on the slate floor in our entryway.
Despite the heat, I had a fun and very busy holiday weekend. I hit the farmer's market Saturday morning and got my first fresh strawberries of the season, along with some strawberry jam, rocky top lettuce mix, honey, and a bunch of radishes.
Fun fact: I never really ate radishes, but decided to give them a second chance. This was due in part to my love of Fraggle Rock. Also, this happened when I was in my mid-20s, not when I was 5. That's not weird or anything, right?
The rest of the weekend was filled with gardening (photos coming later this week!), cookouts, and playing an outdoor concert in a park in 90+ degree weather while facing directly toward the setting sun.
And to sneak in a bit of jewelry-business-related content (you know, the reason I originally started this blog!), Here's a photo of me at my booth at the craft show I did a week and a half ago: