I got a later start than usual on gardening this year - too much rain! But my gardens are off to a good start.
I decided to change up the large planter in the front yard. No more icky, scraped up plastic thing (which is now home to our roma tomatoes, as you'll see later), instead I got a nice cedar one:
I hadn't planted zinnias at this house yet, but I used to plant them at our apartment all the time. I decided to return to an old favorite, the swizzle cherry and ivory, in the front flower bed.
We're also trying our hand at growing tomatoes:
Or at least I'm assuming the catmint is his favorite, since it attracts the bees he so loves to stalk!
I finally laid down some weed fabric under the rocks, so now I won't be stuck pulling weeds in that area practically every day. At least one of our fish survived the winter, as did a lot of the snails we bought last year! I even found one of those pea-sized babies, so hopefully we will have a nice, self-sustaining, algae-eating community of Japanese trapdoor snails for years to come.
And of course, all that gardening and lawn care is hard work, and our old hammock was in terrible was in terrible shape, and could only hold one person... So we treated ourselves to a nice, new, two-person hammock to relax in and enjoy our back yard:
Next project: a fence! (But, uh, we're paying someone else to do that!) Expect videos of Elvis running around like a maniac in the near future. ;-)